I was adamantly against writing in the 'About Me' section because it seems so self-centered and righteous. Then I remembered that I *am* self-centered and righteous, so why the hell not? I'm also a little bit of a nutcase, but it's something you'll learn to love. I like cheese and glittery things and biting sarcasm more than normal people should, but that just adds to my charm. Randomness is my specialty, and I appreciate it in all its forms. I can't tolerate ignorance and stupidity, and people who aren't funny piss me off. I'm talkative and enjoy the sound of my own voice. When irritated, I will likely accuse you of causing me anxiety. I'm easy-going and laid back, but also extremely high strung when need be. I think fake IDs are fucking tacky. I'm morally against bushy eyebrows, belly button piercings and acrylic nails. Everyone should consult with a therapist. I wish I loved to cook. I love/hate coffee. Sha la, hey hey. Make out with a random person. Listen to music without lyrics. Wear red lipstick. Befriend a drag queen. Leave the house without makeup. Hug a tree. Wear flip-flops instead. Smoke a blunt. Start a revolution.