Monday, December 04, 2006


You know, for the most part, I'm a nice gal.

I'm friendly; I smile at random people; I pretend to care when someone drones on and on about how cute their child is or how fantastic their new car is or how hot their boyfriend is; I laugh at jokes even if they aren't that funny.

Seriously -- being nice is in my blood.

And I try my hardest not to bitch and whine and complain all the time, because I certainly don't want to be known as 'that girl.' Everyone knows a 'that girl,' and generally, she's not very pleasant to be around, is she?

Well, I'm sure even the Pope is allowed a shitty day every now and again, so please allow me mine. Not that I had a shitty day, mind you. Not at all, actually. But still, I do have something to complain about, and now that I'm back to blogging -- y'know, the Mother Of All Places To Bitch & Rant -- I can get it off my chest and you can all nod in agreement.

Because, really, why would you ever not agree with me?

== begin rant==

So, dad's screening was today. The SMS I got inviting me to the event, as well as the several people I had spoken to regarding the ceremony, said that it would begin at 730pm. In Kuwait, that usually means it would begin anytime between 815 and 845. So when I pulled up at 804pm, I wasn't worried that I'd missed THAT much.

As luck would have it, I walked in about 45 minutes into dad's film. Bizarre that they'd started so early, yet also fascinating. I didn't think much of it and took my seat and began watching.

I've seen the footage a thousand times and could practically quote the film at you, but at this screening, I couldn't hear a single word. Not because the volume was low or the quality was shitty. Nuh uh -- it was because the organizers had the sound turned up to a ludicrous level. When we were watching the MPs screaming and the protesters rallying, and when there were scenes with music or the narrator was narrating, I thought my ears were going to explode, it was so loud.

Did the organizers not for a second think to maybe, oh, I dunno.. turn it down a notch?

Fine, fine. Maybe I'm overreacting and I have sensitive ears and everybody else was hearing clearly and just fine.

What really irks me to no end is what happens at the end of what seems to be every film screening in this country, whether it's being held in private or being played in public theaters.


Why, why, WHY don't people understand this concept? WHY are we in such a rush to get to the buffet table, which is usually filled to the brim with crap food anyway? WHY won't you let the credits roll? In fact, in this particular case, WHY didn't you even let the film end??

The last scene of this film is probably one of the most important, but me and the 50+ others that were watching didn't get a chance to see it. Because with about five minutes to go before the movie actually ended and the credits begin to roll, the organizers slowly started to undim the lights and fade out the sound of the film. I couldn't quite understand what was going, but as it got brighter and brighter in the room, I remember thinking to myself, "Wait, wait... I'm sure they're not actually going to STOP the movie."

They stopped the movie.

Before the final scene. Before it ended. Before the credits rolled.

Even the audience seemed a little confused. At least, I hope they were confused and not thinking, "Huh? Wha? I wonder why Mr. Al-Zuhair chose to end his film like that."

And that's just the film.

After that, they began the official 'honoring' ceremony, and half the time we couldn't hear the names of the people cause the 'background' music was too loud, and the other half of the time, we couldn't hear their names because the girl presenting wasn't speaking directly into the microphone.

Good times.

Then the awkwardness. Maram walked out in her shiny pants and furry vest and very complicated boots to perform (why is it always Maram that performs at these events, anyway? I'm asking in all seriousness. Is she like, really beloved in this country? I'm serious. Someone explain this woman to me). I happened to be near the stage when she walked in, and I saw her give the most evil eye to the dudes in charge of her music. She had a smile plastered to her face (in case of photos, I presume), but death in her eyes.

"3alow il9ot. 3ALOW IL9OT!" she whispered through gritted teeth.

So, they did what she asked and 3alow il9ot.

Which is why we couldn't hear a word of what she was singing. The sound was too loud again.


Then everyone was rushed to dinner (again?? I dunno, maybe we weren't asked to go to dinner the first time. But I could've sworn we were).

Gah. It was just so messy and awkward and not professional and nothing like any social event that takes place anywhere else in the world.

And I'm not blaming those responsible. I seriously think this is a default burned deep into our psyches. When dad's first film was being shown around the country, the SAME THING happened during certain screenings.

Volume levels distorted; lights up and sound off before end of film; rushrushrush! to dinner.

Awkward. Uncomfortable. Painful.

That's how I've begun to feel about most social gatherings in this country.

== end rant==

So... yeah. How about a joke?

Q: ga6wa dashat 9aydaliya, laish?
A: ilbab kan imba6al.

"Frustration is the poor man's violence."


Chic Politika said...

I'm sorry I missed it.. not sure about maram.

Welcome back! I'm so glad I have something to look forward to every morning at work, just like old times ;)

Anonymous said...

im so sorry u had to go through that,,but sometimes the first screenings or showings of anything is never perfect..but hopefully the future ones would be better...

BintBuNaz said...

BuNaz did make it, but about ten minutes after his film was cut short. He walked in, had a glass of tea, and left. Heh.

Be thankful you missed it.
Doesn't look like anyone's really sure of Maram, including Maram herself.

Thanks for the compliment :)

Eh... I sincerely doubt it's cause it was the first showing. I would love to believe that, but I've been to too many to be convinced that's the reason.
C'est la vie :)

kwtia said...

Hey Pinks, sorry about the screening...good thing I didn't show up 'cause there might have been a scuffle...I get very cranky when good films are spoiled by... what's the words for it? y'know bad stuff. I think this gum is eating my brain. Hey, garrat 3einich, good to know your pop is back :)

Anonymous said...

There are two ways to please a Kuwaiti audience: finish early and feed feed feed!

1001 Nights said...

I was there too, and to be honest I disagree with you. For me, it wasn't a bad experience at all. Well, I didn't like the Maram song. But aside from that things were good. I was told it was at 7pm and not at 7:30pm. Overall I enjoyed the movie. Some parts cracked me up while other parts gave me patriotic goosebumps. And I actually had no problem hearing the names that were announced for the awards and even their relation to the deceased. Maybe you were sitting really close to the speakers because from where I was sound wasn't a problem.

BintBuNaz said...

1001 Nights,
Yeah, like I said, maybe my ears were oversensitive that night (?), because I could barely make anything out.
In any event, I'm GLAD you enjoyed the event! That makes one of us :)


Anonymous said...

OMG you used my joke!! hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

that sounded painful to go through btw, i was reading the post from bottom to top cuz i'm just stupid like that. :D

عاشق وطن said...

بصفتي أحد المسؤلين عن تنظيم الحفل

أحب اعتذر حق إستاذي عامر الزهير على ايقاف عرض الفيلم قبل نهايته

أنا كنت صوب المسؤول عن العرض أسأله جم باقي على نهاية الفيلم

لأن كان لازم نصعد طاولة التكريم على المسرح

وتفاجات وانا قاعد أسأله عن المدة المتبقية إن الإضاءة تبطلت بالكامل

من الجهة الثانية من الصالة حاولت أن أشير لهم بعدم فتح الإضاءة ولكن ما شافوني

وعلى هالأساس طلبت من المسؤول عن العرض إيقاف الفيلم

فأعتذر بشدة على هالموضوع

أما بالنسبة للصوت فأعتقد إن كان مناسب لكن يمكن موقعج كان قريب من السماعات

والتبليغ عن الحفلة كان الساعة 7 سواء عبر المسج أو الاعلان بالقبس او الدعوات

وإبتدى الحفل الساعة 7 وعشر دقايق تقريبا

في فترة التكريم ما كان هناك أي موسيقى مصاحبة للأسماء أبدا

أما بالنسبة لموضوع مرام

فللأسف حاولنا مع أكثر من مطرب لكن كانوا يبالغون سواء بالأجر على تأدية الأغنية أو بالحضور

والرجاء تعذرينا على أي أخطاء لكن الظروف اللي مر فيها تجمع القوى الطلابية كانت وايد صعبة

وهالاحتفالية تم تجهيزها من الألف ليما الياء بست أيام فقط

Jandeef said...

hehe :P


BintBuNaz said...

عاشق وطن
I'm extremely sorry if my analysis of the night came across as a bit rude. In hindsight, perhaps that wasn't wise.

I do realize the amount of work you guys do and the stress you were under, and I should have been more understanding.

Perhaps it's because I've experienced carelessness in other screenings I've attended that I finally reached my limit and took it out on that evening's events.

Again, I hope you accept my sincerest apologies for anything I said that may have been misconstrued in a way to make it sound like I was blaming YOU guys specifically for what took place.

You, bilthat, are someone I look up to and respect, and I hope there are no ill feelings. :)

Right back atcha ;)

عاشق وطن said...

بالعكس النقد يعلمنا اشياء وايد تكون خافية عنا

واللي ما يغلط معناته ان ما يشتغل

قولي اللي تبينه واخذي راحتج واحنا نتقبل بكل صدر رحب افا عليج :)

KuwaitVoice said...

فعلا فعلا فعلا ومليون مره فعلا .. الصوت كان جدا مزعج .. حتى ساعات لما الأعضاء كانوا يتكلمون بساحة الإرادة ، مادري شيقولون ، عاد كل واحد من اليلي قاعدين بالطاوله قام يطالع الثاني (يعني شالسالفه ) شنو احنا صمخان ؟ هل هذا خطأ من الفيلم ومن بوناز ، ام هو خطأ فني من قبل القائمين على عرض الفيلم ؟

أعتقد الملاحظات اللي كانت عالفيلم واللي ذكرتها لبوناز بمدونته ، كانت بسبب التنظيم السيء للحفل ..

يعني انا استغربت ..

هل فعلا بوناز أنهى الفيلم بهذه الطريقه الغريبه ؟
أين النهاية الرائعه التي كانت بفيلم حقوق المرأه ؟

بالنهاية أقول ان الفيلم رائع وتنقصه بعض التعديلات ، لكن التنظيم السيء من القائمين على الحفل كان بمثابة خيبة الأمل لمن شاهد الفيلم وحضر من أجل الفيلم فقط ..

أتمنى أن يعرض الفيلم مره أخرى .. وتفادي مثل هذه الأخطاء الجسيمه

تحياتي ..

KuwaitVoice said...

اليلي = اللي

وحبيت أضيف ملاحظه أخرى

أتمنى من مستضيف العرض القادم ان يوجه دعوة خاصه لأعضاء كتلة المستقلين ودعوة أخرى لقامع الشعب الخرافي والى حبايب قلبي أحمد الفهد ومحمد العبدالله وشرار لهذا العرض ؟

خل يتعلمون من اليهال فعل الرجال وحب الوطن