Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Desperately Seeking a Nokia

Man, it's becoming more and more difficult to maintain this blog. I feel pressured (thanks mostly to my father -- "yalla, 3ad, malalteena. kitbay something.") and while I normally work best under pressure, this time it's just not happening.

I'm beginning to think there's nothing going on in my life worth writing about. Of course, as that thought crosses my mind, I begin to feel extremely sorry for myself. How can I not have a single thing to say to you people? I live a life of fun!

Really. I do.

For instance, last week, I went on a business trip -- to the Seychelles. Uh huh, that's right. Business in the Seychelles.

My job totally kicks your job's ass, huh?

Anyway, I spent about 4 or 5 days there, and man, what a trip. First of all, it was around 50 degrees. HOT. Very, very hot. It was also 100% humid. And the Seychelles' sun doesn't hang out in the sky; no siree. It sits on your shoulder and just chills there: "hey, what's up? I'm the sun and I'm gonna accompany you everywhere you go this trip. I'll also give you a nice reddish color for your nose and cheeks as a keepsake of your stay here. Don't freak out when it starts to peel. That just means it's working, baby."

Anyway, despite it being a business trip, I had a relaxing five days of much-needed chill time. And chill time it was! For starters, we visited 3 different islands -- the first of which was probably the size of Mishref. This island had nothing on it but one resort. Beautiful little villas, a beach to die for, the best massages ever --- and absolutely no phone service or internet connection.


Yeeeeah. You may think you want to be without your phone for a while. You know... for a little quiet relaxation without anyone getting a hold of you. I'm here to tell you: NOT TRUE.

Goddamn. After 24 hours without a phone, people start acting weird. I was glad no one could get a hold of me, but I really just wanted to send a message or something -- 'Hey, nice place! Having a blast, wish you were here.' But I couldn't. And the couldn't part was making me nuts. I want the CHOICE, people. Give me the CHOICE to use my phone or not.

I'm such a Kuwaiti.

But I wasn't as bad as this one dude I was with. He was really having a hard time accepting the fact that we didn't have phones. I think he threatened to leave no less than 30 times. By day 2, he'd gone apeshit; talking to the trees, taking 8 hour long showers to make up for time he wasn't spending on his phone. I would have been worried, but he was from another newspaper -- one of our competitors -- so all I thought to do was point and laugh.

We eventually left that island and made our way back to the main island (Mahe), where phone service and the like were available.

Going between the islands, we used both small planes and boats. Let me tell you something about small planes. Actually, let me tell you something about large planes first.

I'm not a fan. I don't like to fly. I spent half my life on airplanes and I'm still not used to them. I get nervous during take-off and landing, and the many, many hours in between as well. People pretend they don't know me during turbulence.

So anyway, these small planes we were taking? Yeeeeah. I was sitting next to the pilot, and he'd casually turn to me every so often trying to make conversation.

"So, you're from Kuwait, eh? Hot, right? Ha. Ha. Ha."

Uh, keep your eyes on the sky and we can talk all about where I'm from once you've safely landed this toy, thanksverymuch.

Wow, does it sound like I'm complaining about this trip? Because, honestly, I had a blast! It was fun and relaxing and a totally new experience -- I mostly spend my travels in cold, cool places where jackets and sweaters are required. But I had a really, really good time.

... hey, would you look at that? I posted!

Enjoy, dad.

*maybe I'll post pictures?
"Go to an exotic island; eat the food, drink the water, lick a local."


Delicately Realistic said...

My heart goes BOOM BOOM whenever i see a new post by u on safat.

That should be enough to keep u posting ;P
(And thanks BuNaz for making her post!!!)

As for the phone thing....i totally agree! I dont really use my phone much....but a few days ago i had to go to someplace where i couldnt take my mobile in with me....i kept on reaching for my imaginery phone to msg ppl what i was doing...it just felt wierd!

Glad u had fun and yes yes yes post pics...u know how we love pics....pwetty pwease!!!!!


UzF said...

100% humidity!? this would mean all air is replaced with water, and when you walk your hair will float like the sea mermaid. But yeah, good for you ;-)
The farthest (furthest?) place my job could ever take me is Ahmedi or Farwaniya maybe! Yours totally kickass!

Loved to read from you :)

Anonymous said...

now that wasn't so bad, was it?

moe said...

Seychelles? Small planes? Peeling noses? All of those could warrant a huge post! They're totally worth writing about!

I'm glad you had a loverly time :) And may the peeling help you maintain your youthful dewy complexion.

Anonymous said...

" Lick a local," Yikes!unless you are at the Quadrilatero della Moda in Milan, people.
Take me there with you when next you go off on business to the geostation in the Antartic,or to St Lucia, Malawi or the Galapagos.
It is heartening to find more and more visitors from Kuwait mixing business with pleasure outside of Western Europe, North America and Dubai.

Anonymous said...

ur job sounds like fun:) can i come work with u??
oh and i know this might seem ligafa bs do u work in journalism?:P and welcome baaack! :)

BintBuNaz said...


The pictures soon, I promise!

Okay, it felt like 100% humidity.
Technicalities, pfft.

Haha -- I hear Ahmadi's really pretty during this time of year.

Yeah, yeah.


Yeah, what you said.

It doesn't happen often, but when it does, the job's totally worth it.

Yep, I'm in journalism. :) And thank you!

Joud said...

i wonder what it's like to be without a phone for a few days...

if someone from mtc BD is reading your post expect all of seychelles to be on the network soon !

Anonymous said...

wow journalism is a tough job .. thats what i heard from some people i know..u can never take a break like normal people when ever u want cuz ur always supposed to be on call and such..the people i know work abroad and thats what they say their job is like..so corecct me if im wrong but is it the same in kuwait too? and u being a woman, dont u find it difficult to work in such circumstances? sorry to seem nosy:P but i really want to know what its like , u know just in case ..;p

Ri said...

Now, thanks you, every time I walk out into the sunshine, I hear voices above my left shoulder.

K.thekuwaiti said...

My phone runs out of battery for a couple minutes and I go apeshit .. 24 hours would have left me running around the island looking for a radio tower ala Lost.