Thursday, August 02, 2007

Mm, Mexican

Actually, while we're at it...

'deefy made me do it.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Available or Single: ... I'm already feeling dumb. Aren't these two the same? Anyway, it's single. But emotionally, I'm taken.
-- i just realized this could've simply meant which do I prefer to be called, available or single, in which case, I'm a little saddened at the assumptions. Remember, kids, assuming only makes an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me.' *snort*

Best friends: keep me sane.

Cake or Pie: "Death-- I mean cake!" "Ah, but you said death." "Yes, but I meant cake!" "Oh, alright... give him cake. You're lucky I'm Church of England."
-- there's no reason why you should understand the above; it's strictly for my own amusement. Should you find, however, that you recognize the above quotes, please email me for a marriage proposal.

*The letter D has been discriminated against.

Essential Item: Mobile

Favorite Color: Black

Gummy bears or Worms: I don't do 'gummy.'

Home Town: Pass

Indulgence: Chloe purses

January or February: January
-- the 5th, more specifically. presents welcome all year, however.

Kids: Not so cute when burping/throwing up/shitting on you/themselves.

Life: Major bitch.

Marriage: I wouldn't know, but thanks for the reminder, asshole.

Number of Siblings: 2
-- what's white and can't climb trees? christopher reeve.
i just felt like telling you a joke.

Oranges or Apples: As my poor mother could tell you, I'm not much of a fruit person.

Phobias: Heights

Favorite Quote: "If people are going to start telling the truth around here, I'm going to bed."

Reason to Smile: London, August 28, 2007.
-- :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Season: Baseball

Tag Three People: Mabee
-- oh, alright. Amunki, DR, Moe

Unknown Fact About Me: I was a vocal [singing] major for 2 semesters.

*The letter V has been discriminated against as well.

Worst Habit: Sleeping in

*And X.

Your Favorite Food: Mexican

Zodiac: Goat


Delicately Realistic said...

ive been tagged to do this one at least 3 times...and u know whats worth? its been in my drafts waiting to be finished for months.

yeah i left the hard ones for later..
(yes! they WERE hard!)

BintBuNaz said...

I did it, it's only you fair you do the same.

9a7? 9a7? 9A7?


White Wings said...

your indulgence is expensive :) do you buy them off of ebay? :)
are you around? would love to see you soon :*

BintBuNaz said...

So expensive that they've sort of stopped being an indulgence, in fact. :|

Maybe I should check out eBay! Thanks for the encouragement :P

And yes, I am absolutely around! I'm off to London end of August, but I'm very much here until then. I'm not sure if you have my number, but I've got yours -- will send you a message tomorrow. xo

Delicately Realistic said...


worth = worse chakaitoni....when i was younger (not very) i had a s's were th's....but why is it haunting me in my typing?!

BintBuNaz said...


"and you know what'th worth?"


Men Who Do Cleavages said...

Available or single - You are sadly mistaken there. Take my bro, for example, who is MBA - Married but Available.

Best friends - keep me sane.
Envy you - you actually have enough friends to describe some of 'em as your bestest friends?

Cake or Pie -
Not being "cofe" myself, I pretty much get it but you see, I don't believe in the circus they call "marriage" thank you very much :)

* the letter D has been discriminated against
I honestly on't get that one.

Essential Item : Mobile pour toi, Mobil pour moi

Favourite Color : Aubergine

Gummy bears or worms : Worms I think given my penchant for opening
can of worms everywhere life takes me. What's a gummy, btw?

Home Town : is where HE is

Indulgence : Resort hotels

February or Fevrier : Fevrier

Kids : aren't we cute??

Life : what happens to starlets in Bollywood movies

Marriage : is so old school.

Number of siblings : 6.6 billion, didn't I tell you the world is one big family?!

Oranges or Apples : Carrots.So now you know why they all call me a freak

Phobias : Insects & Heights ( in no particular order)

Favourite quote : just pick any by Joan Rivers

Reason to Smile : HiM

Season : Ethan Hawke

Tag Three People : would have loved to but don't understand what it means to tag.

Unknown Fact about Me : I like dwelling on the unknown knowns in my life.

* The letter V has been discriminated against as well
And so have we.

Worst habit : Procrastination

* And X - Aye (loud and clear)

Your Favourite Food - Vietnamese

Zodiac - the water bearer which is the reason why people sometimes refer to me as Bobby Bouche ( the Water Boy)

BintBuNaz said...

Jumping, you're all kinds of quirky -- I dig it.

I have two people who have been in my life for 20+ years whom I consider best friends. And I AM incredibly lucky.

By discriminated against, I simply meant the Survey Writer failed to include the letters D, V and X.

Gummy bears and gummy worms; the... mushy/smushy candy? Honestly, you don't know what I'm talking about?

It makes me uncomfortable that 'he' was the answer to two of your questions.

Well, I tagged DR, Amunki and Moe, meaning I'd like them to take this little survey, cut and paste it into their blogs and fill it out.

I used to think being a procrastinator was a bad thing, but I've learned to embrace it -- procrastination simply means I WILL eventually get it done.


Joud said...

are u kidding ? sleeping in is a delicious habit

BintBuNaz said...

I agree :) That was mostly for when my dad reads the blog.